The people who work at Fraunhofer IWM have devoted themselves to application oriented research. They are people of convictions who wish to put their knowledge of mechanisms in materials, components and processes to use in the R&D services required by their clients. Given that we combine the skills of some 250 scientifically and technically trained employees with diverse subject backgrounds, we are in a position to devise innovative solutions and thus achieve competitive advantages for ourselves and our clients.
In order to be able to offer innovative and realizable solutions, we engage with problems of material mechanics at a fundamental level with a sound depth of scientific knowledge and qualified technical expertise. We are always guided by the latest findings from the materials sciences and materials engineering. For large projects that go beyond materials mechanics we also draw on the competences of research partners from our network.
Projects are our business. The successful completion of hundreds of research and development projects every year, together with a certified ISO 9001:2015 quality assurance system, are evidence of dependable project management services that are tailored to an industrial framework. The high level of customer satisfaction, confirmed in surveys, demonstrates that Fraunhofer IWM enjoys an outstanding reputation as a partner to businesses.
The research activities of Fraunhofer IWM go beyond simply executing a contract. Regardless whether public funding or basic funding is applied, we carry out preliminary research in technological areas with high relevance for the future and in fields involving strategically important competences. The knowledge thus obtained brings Fraunhofer IWM into cooperation with business, for example in seeking to reach new fields of application or new markets.