Materials informatics involves the research, development and application of information regarding material properties, both physical data and theoretical and empirical models, and software tools for querying and evaluating these databases.
The materials informatics specialists at Fraunhofer IWM apply computer science methodologies to materials science problems. In this context, the "Software Solutions for Materials Informatics" team develops generic tools and methods for materials science, which are then applied to actual materials science problems by the "Applied Materials Informatics" team. These are adapted as necessary.
Innovations in the fields of materials science and manufacturing technology can ideally be supported by modern simulation methods and advanced experiments. The associated experimental, model and simulation data are taking on an ever-increasing volume and true treasures are hidden in this heterogeneous data world. In order to discover these treasures and to integrate further data in a simple way, we are working on innovative approaches from computer science. One goal is the seamless integration of data, models and simulation tools. This is achieved, among other things, with semantic methods, in which meta-information is made easier for the computer to process with the help of ontologies, and data transparency is also increased for the human user.