Publications: Meso- and Micromechanics



Durmaz, A. R.; Experimental and data-driven workflows for microstructure-based damage prediction, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT (2023)

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Boyadzhieva, S.; Kollmannsperger, L.; Gutmann, F.; Straub, T.; Fischer, S., Acoustic nondestructive characterization of metal pantographs for material and defect identification, in Additive and Advanced Manufacturing, Inverse Problem Methodologies and Machine Learning and Data Science Vol. 4, SEM 2023. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series; Kramer, S. L. (Ed.); Springer, Cham, Switzerland (2024) 47-53 Link

Durmaz, A.; Thomas, A.; Mishra, L.; Murthy, R.; Straub, T., An ontology-based text mining dataset for extraction of process-structure-property entities, Scientific Data 11 (2024) Art. 1112, 16 pp. Link

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Blug, A.; Thiemann, K.; Philipp, S.; Straub, T.; Butz, A., Quantum magnetometry with OPM: Novel applications in non-destructive testing?, in Proc. of 26th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium and 24th International Workshop on ADC and DAC Modelling and Testing, IWADC 2023; Popovic Renella, D.; Dvatos, J.; Sovilji, P. (Eds.); International Measurement Confederation IMEKO, Budapest, Hungary (2023) 122-125 Link

Durmaz, A. R.;  Potu, S. T.; Romich, D.; Möller, J. J.; Nützel, R., Microstructure quality control of steels using deep learning, Frontiers in Materials 10 (2023) Art. 1222456, 13 pp. Link

Durmaz, A. R.; Potu, S. T.; Romich, D.; Möller, J. J.; Nützel, R., Using deep learning to classify steel materials objectively, think.steel 1/4 (2023) 53-55 Link

Frie, C.; Kolyshkin, A.; Mordeja, S.; Durmaz, A. R.; Eberl, C., Reduction of testing effort for fatigue tests: application of Bayesian optimal experimental design, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures 46/12 (2023) 4783-4800 Link

Gulbay, O.; Ackermann, M.; Gramlich, A.; Durmaz, A. R.; Steinbach, I.; Krupp, U., Influence of transformation temperature on the high-cycle fatigue performance of carbide-bearing and carbide-free bainite, Steel Research International 94/12 (2023) Art. 2300238, 14 pp. Link

Luitz, M.; Pellegrini, D.; von Holst, M.; Seteiz, K.; Gröner, L.; Schleyer, M.; Daub, M.; Warmbold, A.; Thomann, Y.; Thomann, R.; Kotz-Helmer, F.; Rapp, B.E., High-resolution patterning of organic–inorganic photoresins for tungsten and tungsten carbide microstructures, Advanced Engineering Materials 25/13 (2023) Art. 2201927, 11 pp. Link

Philipp, S.; Mathes, N.; Feuerhelm, M.; Durmaz, A. R.; Deldar, S.; Soldativ, I.; Schäfer, R.; Vidal, X.; Straub, T., Diamond-based magnetic widefield-microscopy of domain patterns in electrical steel, in Porc. of SMSI 2023 - Sensor and Measurement Science International Conference; AMA Verband für Sensorik und Messtechnik e.V. (Hrsg.); AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf (2023) 75-76 Link

Provenzano, M.; Bellussi, F. M.; Morciano, M.; Rossi, E.; Schleyer, M.; Asinari, P.; Straub, T.; Sebastiani, M.; Fasano, M., Experimentally validated phase-field model to design the wettability of micro-structured surfaces, Materials & Design 231 (2023) Art. 112042, 11 pp. Link

Thomas, A.; Durmaz, A.; Alam, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Sack, H.; Eberl, C., Materials fatigue prediction using graph neural networks on microstructure representations, Scientific Reports 13 (2023) Art. 122562, 16 pp. Link

Wenz, F.; Lichti, T.; Schwarz, A.; Lechner, A.; Andrae, H.; Hueber, C.; Eberl, C., Programming shape morphing in metamaterials, in Proc. of 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART 2023; Sarvanos, D.A.; Benjedddou, A.; Chrysochoidis, N.A.; Theodosiou, T.C. (Eds.); ECCOMAS Proceedia, (2023) 1601-1610 Link

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Bachmann, B.- I.; Müller, M.; Britz, D.; Durmaz, A. R.; Ackermann, M.; Shchyglo, O.; Staudt, t.; Mücklich, F., Efficient reconstruction of prior austenite grains in steel from etched light optical micrographs using deep learning and annotations from correlative microscopy, Frontiers in Materials 9 (2022) Art. 1033505, 18 pp. Link

Dietemann, B.; Wahl, L.; Travitzky, N.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Kraft, T.; Bierwisch, C., Reorientation of suspended ceramic particles in robocasted green filaments during drying, Materials 15/6 (2022) Art. 2100, 20 pp. Link

Durmaz, A.R.; Natkowski, E.; Arnaudov, N.; Sonnweber-Ribic, P.; Weihe, S.; Münstermann, S.; Eberl, C.; Gumbsch, P., Micromechanical fatigue experiments for validation of microstructure-sensitive fatigue simulation models, International Journal of Fatigue 160 (2022) Art. 106824, 17 pp. Link

Goetz, A.; Durmaz, A.R.; Müller, M.; Thomas, A.; Britz, D.; Kerfriden, P.; Eberl, C., Addressing materials’ microstructure diversity using transfer learning, npj Computational Materials 8/1 (2022) Art. 27; 13 pp. Link

Koss, P.A.; Durmaz, A.R.; Blug, A.; Laskin, G.; Pawar, O.S.; Thiemann, K.; Bertz, A.; Straub, T.; Elsässer, C., Optically pumped magnetometer measuring fatigue-induced damage in steel, Applied Sciences 12/3 (2022) Art. 1329, 11 pp. Link

Lichti, T.; Leichner, A.; Andrä, H.; Müller, R.; Wenz, F.; Eberl, C.; Schwarz, A.; Hübner, C., Optimal design of shape changing mechanical metamaterials at finite strains, International Journal of Solids and Structures 252 (2022) Art. 111769, 17 pp. Link

Reichenbach, R.; Eberl, C.; Lindenmeier, J., Dynamics of attribute-specific customer requirements in innovation processes: a panel analysis considering Kano's theory, International Journal of Innovation Management IJIM 26/2 (2022), Art. 2250014, 23 pp. Link

Reichenbach, R.; Eberl, C.; Lindenmeier, J., Online platforms for research data: A requirements and cost analysis, Science and Public Policy 49/4 (2022) 598-608 Link

Roth, A.; Ganzenmüller, G.; Gutmann, F.; Jakula, P.; Hild, F.; Pfaff, A.; Yin, K.; Eberl, C.; Hiermaier, S., 2D numerical simulation of auxetic metamaterials based on force and deformation consistency, Materials 15/13 (2022) Art. 4490, 18 pp. Link

Schwarz, A.; Lichti, T.; Wenz, F.; Scheuring, B.M.; Hübner, C.; Eberl, C.; Elsner, P., Development of a scalable fabrication concept for sustainable, programmable shape-morphing metamaterials, Advanced Engineering Materials 24/11 (2022) Art. 2200386, 10 pp. Link

Singh, S.P.; Rijal, A.; Straub, T.; Han, J.-K.; Kennerknecht, T.; Eberl, C.; Kawasaki, M.; Kumar, P., Effect of high-pressure torsion on high cycle fatigue of commercially pure Cu: Some insights from formation of surface micro-cracks, Materials Characterization 190 (2022) Art. 112059, 8 pp. Link

Straub, T.; Fell, J.; Zabler, S.; Gustmann, T.; Korn, H.; Fischer, S.C.L., Characterization of filigree additively manufactured NiTi structures using micro tomography and micromechanical testing for metamaterial material models, Materials 16/2 (2022) Art. 676, 14 pp. Link

Thiemann, K.; Blug, A.; Koss, P.; Durmaz, A.; Laskin, G.; Bertz, A.; Kühnemann, F.; Straub, T., Using optically pumped magnetometers to identify initial damage in bulk material during fatigue testing, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 12133 Quantum Technologies 2022; Damati, E.; Ducci, S.; Treps, N.; Whitlock, S. (Eds.); Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Bellingham, WA, USA (2022) Art. 121330F, 7 pp. Link

Wenz, F.; Schönfeld, D.; Fischer, S.C.L.; Pretsch, T.; Eberl, C., Controlling malleability of metamaterials through programmable memory, Advanced Engineering Materials  (2022) Art. 2201022, 10 pp. Link

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Alam, M.; Birkholz, H.; Dessì, D.; Eberl, C.; Fliegl, H.; Gumbsch, P.; von Hartrott, P.; Mädler, L.; Niebel, M.; Sack, H.; Thomas, A., Ontology modelling for materials science experiments, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2941; Tiddi, I.; Maleshkova, M.; Pellegrini, T.; de Boer, V. (Eds.); Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Niederlande (2021) 5 Seiten Link

Durmaz, A.R.; Hadzic, N.; Straub, T.; Eberl, C.; Gumbsch, P., Efficient experimental and data-centered workflow for microstructure-based fatigue data: Towards a data basis for predictive AI models, Experimental Mechanics 61/9 (2021) 1489-1502 Link

Durmaz, A.R.; Müller, M.; Lei, B.; Thomas, A.; Britz, D.; Holm, E.A.; Eberl, C.; Mücklich, F.; Gumbsch, P., A deep learning approach for complex microstructure inference, Nature Communications 12/1 (2021) Art. 6272, 15 Seiten Link

Lichti, T.; Andrä, H.; Leichner, A.; Müller, R.; Wenz, F., Optimal design of unit-cell based programmable materials, PAMM 20/1 Special Issue: 91th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM); Kuhl, D.; Mesiter, A.; Ricoeur, A.; Wünsch, O. (Eds.); John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA (2021) e202000010, 2 Seiten Link

Natkowski, E.; Durmaz, A. R.; Sonnweber-Ribic, P.; Münstermann, S., Fatigue lifetime prediction with a validated micromechanical short crack model for the ferritic steel EN 1.4003, International Journal of Fatigue 152 (2021) Art. 106418; 15 Seiten Link

Reichenbach, R.; Eberl, C.; Lindenmeier, J., Come on, network! Empowering employees to utilize web-based interorganizational learning platforms in research and development, The Learning Organization 28/2 (2021) 167-180 Link

Schmitz-Elbers, M.; Lukinavičius, G.; Smit, T.H., Live fluorescence imaging of F-Actin organization in chick whole embryo cultures using SiR-Actin, Cells 10/7 (2021) Art. 1578, 10 Seiten Link

Schönfeld, D.; Chalissery, D.; Wenz, F.; Specht, M.; Eberl, C.; Pretsch, T., Actuating shape memory polymer for thermoresponsive soft robotic gripper and programmable materials, Molecules 26/3 (2021) Art. 522, 20 S. Link

Specht, M.; Berwind, M.; Eberl, C., Adaptive wettability of a programmable meta‐surface, Advanced Engineering Materials 23/2 (2021) Art. 2001037, 6 Seiten Link

Wenz, F.; Schmidt, I.; Leichner, A.; Lichti, T.; Baumann, S.; Andrae, H.; Eberl, C., Designing shape morphing behavior through local programming of mechanical metamaterials, Advanced Materials 33/37 (2021) Art. 2008617, 8 Seiten Link


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Fischer, S.C.L.; Hillen, L.; Eberl, C., Mechanical metamaterials on the way from laboratory scale to industrial applications: Challenges for characterization and scalability, Materials 13/16 (2020) Art. 3605, 16 Seiten Link

Gustmann, T.; Gutmann, F.; Wenz, F.; Koch P.; Stelzer, R.; Drossel, W.-G.; Korn H., Properties of a superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy using laser powder bed fusion and adaptive scanning strategies, Progress in Additive Manufacturing 5/1 (2020) 11-18 Link

Texier, D.; Cadet, C.; Straub, T.; Eberl, C.; Maurel, V., Tensile behavior of air plasma spray MCrAlY coatings: Role of high temperature agings and process defects, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51 (2020) 2766-2777 Link

Thomas, A.; Durmaz, A. R.; Straub, T.; Eberl, C., Automated quantitative analyses of fatigue induced surface damage by deep learning, Materials 13/15 (2020) Art. 3298, 24 Seiten Link

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Blug, A.; Regina, D.J.; Eckmann, S.; Senn, M.; Bertz, A.; Carl, D.; Eberl, C., Real-time GPU-based digital image correlation sensor for marker-free strain-controlled fatigue testing, Applied Sciences 9/10 (2019) Artikel-Nr. 2025, 15 Seiten Link

Blug, A.; Regina, D. J.; Eckmann, S.; Senn, M.; Eberl, C.; Bertz, A.; Carl, D., GPU-based digital image correlation system for real-time strain-controlled fatigue and strain field measurement, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 11056, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XI; Lehmann, P. (Hrsg.); Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Bellingham, WA, USA (2019) 110560V 1-10 Link

Gammer, C.; Richard, M.-I.; Eberl, C., Measurement of local strain, MRS Bulletin 44/6 Advances in in situ nanomechanical (2019) 459-464 Link

Wehmeyer, S.; Zok F.; Eberl, C.; Gumbsch, P.; Cohen, N.; McMeeking, R.; Begley, M., Post-buckling and dynamic response of angled struts in elastic lattices, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 133 (2019) 103693, 19 Seiten Link

Weinkamer, R.; Eberl, C.; Fratzl, P., Mechanoregulation of bone remodeling and healing as inspiration for self-repair in materials, Biomimetics 4/3 (2019) Art. 46, 16 Seiten Link

Berwind, M.F.; Kamas, A.; Eberl, C., A hierarchical programmable mechanical metamaterial unit cell showing metastable shape memory, Advanced Engineering Materials 20/11 (2018) 1800771 1-6 Link

Buck, M.; Straub, T.; Eberl, C., Experimental investigation of damage detection and crack initiation up to the very high cycle fatigue regime, Fatigue of materials at very high numbers of loading cycles; Christ, H.-J. (Ed.); Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden (2018) 365-393 Link

Heckman, N.M.; Berwind, M.F.; Eberl, C.; Hodge, A.M.; Microstructural deformation in fatigued nanotwinned copper alloys; Acta Materialia 144 (2018) 138-144 Link

Nakanishi, K.; Aria, A. ; Berwind, M.; Weatherup, R. S.; Eberl, C.; Hofmann, S.; Fleck, N., Compressive behavior and failure mechanisms of freestanding and composite 3D graphitic foams, Acta Materialia 195 (2018) 187-196 Link

Berwind, M.F.; Hashibon, A.; Fromm, A.; Gurr, M.; Burmeister, F.; Eberl, C.; Rapidly prototyping biocompatible surfaces with designed wetting properties via photolithography and plasma polymerization; Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 21/9 (2017) 144 1-7 Link

Fliegener, S.; Kennerknecht, T.; Kabel, M.; Investigations into the damage mechanisms of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene based on micro specimens and precise models of their microstructure; Composites Part B: Engineering 112 (2017) 327-343 Link

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Fliegener, S.; Kennerknecht, T.; Kabel, M.; Simulation of the damage mechanisms of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene based on micro specimens and 1:1 models of their microstructure; in Proc. of 17th European Conference on Composite Materials - ECCM17; ESCM -European Society for Composite Materials (Ed.); ESCM -European Society for Composite Materials, Sevilla, Spanien (2016) 8 Seiten Link

Li, X.; Dao, M.; Eberl, C.; Hodge, A.M.; Fracture, fatigue, and creep of nanotwinned metals; MRS Bulletin 41/4 (2016) 298-304 Link

Slaby, S.A.; Kraft, O.; Eberl, C.; Fatigue properties of conventionally manufactured and micro-powder-injection-moulded 17-4PH micro-components; Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 39/6 (2016) 780-789 Link

Senn, M.; Christensen, S.; Kalidindi, S.; Luo, A.; Madison, J.; Raabe, D.; Sun, X.; An integrated surrogate modeling approach for materials and approach for materials and process design; in Proc. of 3rd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering ICME 2015; Poole, W.; Christensen, S.; Kalidindi, S.; Luo, A.; Madison, J.; Raabe, D.; Sun, X. (Eds.) John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA (2015) 331-338 Link

Senn, M.; Schweizer, F.; Pfeiffer, W.; Universal concept for the optimization of step sizes in manufacturing processes; Procedia CIRP 31; Part of special issue: 15th CIRP Conference on Modelling of Machining Operations 15th CMMO (2015) 53-57 Link

Straub, T.; Berwind, M.F.; Kennerknecht, T.; Lapusta, Y.; Eberl, C.; Small-scale multiaxial setup for damage detection into the very high cycle fatigue regime; Experimental Mechanics 55/7 (2015) 1285-1299 Link

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Briot, N. J.; Kennerknecht, T.; Eberl, C.; Mechanical properties of bulk single crystalline nanoporous gold investigated by millimetre-scale tension and compression testing; Philosophical Magazine 94/8 (2014) 847-866 Link

Knetsch, D.; Funk, M.; Kennerknecht, T.; Eberl, C.; Load data calculation in electric axle drives and fatigue assessment for the electric motor subsystem; Materials Testing 56/7-8 (2014) 535-541 Link

Sebastiani, M.; Eberl, C.; Bemporad, E.; Korsunsky, A.M.; Nix, W.D.; Carassiti, F.; Focused ion beam four-slot milling for poisson's ratio and residual stress evaluation at the micron scale; Surface and Coatings Technology 251 (2014) 151-161 Link

Sebastiani, M.; Korsunsky, A.M.; Eberl, C.; Bemporad, E.; Pharr, G. M.; Discussion on "Interfacial residual stress analysis of thermal spray coatings by miniature rind-core cutting combined with DIC method"- by Zhu et al.; Experimental Mechanics 54/7 (2014) 1305-1306 Link

Ulas, S.; Bundschuh, S.; Jester, S.-S.; Eberl, C.; Kraft, O.; Hölscher, H.; Böttcher, A.; Kappes, M.M.; Mechanical properties of C58 materials and their dependence on thermal treatment; Carbon 68 (2014) 125-137 Link

Yoo, B.-G.; Boles, S.T.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, X.; Schwaiger, R.; Eberl, C.; Kraft, O.; Quantitative damage and detwinning analysis of nanotwinned copper foil under cyclic loading; Acta Materialia 81 (2014) 184-193 Link

Hoepfel, H.; Pfeiffer, W.; Shaping of ceramics using residual stresses; Materials Science Forum 768-769 (2013) 478-483 Link

Pinneker, V.; Eberl, C.; Sozinov, A.; Ezer, Y.; Kohl, M.; Magnetic field-induced local strain bands in single crystalline Ni-Mn-Ga foils; Journal of Alloys and Compounds 577/1 (2013) 358-361 Link

Senn, M.; Link, N.; Gumbsch, P.; Optimal process control through feature-based state tracking along process chains; in Proc. of 2nd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering ICME; Li, M.; Campbell, C.; Thornton, K.; Holm, E.; Gumbsch, P. (Eds.); John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA (2013) 69-74 Link

Straub, T.; Theillet, P.-O.; Eberl, C.; Pierron, O.N.; Comparison of the stress distribution and fatigue behavior of 10- and 25-μm-thick deep-reactive ion-etched Si kilohertz resonators; Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 22/2 (2013) 418-429

Zhao, S.; Gan, Y.; Kamlah, M.; Kennerknecht, T.; Rolli, R.; Influence of plate material on the contact strength of Li4OSi4 pebbles in crush tests and evaluation of the contact strength in pebble-pebble contact; Engineering Fracture Mechanics 100 (2013) 28-37 Link

Bückmann, T.; Stenger, N.; Kadic, M.; Kaschke, J.; Frölich, A.; Kennerknecht, T.; Eberl, C.; Thiel, M.; Wegener, M.; Tailored 3D mechanical metamaterials made by dip-in direct-laser-writing optical lithography; Advanced Materials 24/20 (2012) 2710-2714

Eberl, C.; Courty, D.; Walcker, A.; Kraft, O.; Stress-gradient induced fatigue at ultra high frequencies in sub micron thin metal films; International Journal of Materials Rresearch 103/1 (2012) 80-86

Straub, T.; Baumert, E.K.; Eberl, C.; Pierron, O.N.; A method for probing the effects of conformal nanoscale coatings on fatigue crack initiation in electroplated Ni films; Thin Solid Films 526 (2012) 176–182

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Burger, S.; Eberl, C.; Siegel, A.; Ludwig, A.; Kraft, O.; A novel high-throughput fatigue testing method for metallic thin Films; Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 12/5 (2011) 054202 1-7

Burger, S.; Rupp, B.; Ludwig, A.; Kraft, O.; Eberl, C.; Fatigue testing of thin films; Key Engineering Materials 465 (2011) 552-555

Eberl, C.; Gianola, D. S.; Wang, X.; He, M. Y.; Evans, A. G.; Hemker, K. J.; A method for in situ measurement of the elastic behavior of a columnar thermal barrier coating; Acta Materialia 59/9 (2011) 3612-3620

Eberl, C.; Wang, X.; Gianola, D. S.; He, M. Y.; Evans, A. G.; Hemker, K. J.; In situ measurement of the toughness of the interface between a thermal barrier coating and a Ni alloy; Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94/1 (2011) 120–127

Funk, M.; Eberl, C.; Investigations on the fatigue behavior of nanocrystalline metals; Key Engineering Materials 465 (2011) 207-210

Funk, M.; Ma, K.; Eberl, C.; Schoenung, J. M.; Göken, M.; Hemker, K. J.; High Temperature mechanical behavior of end-of-life cryomilled NiCrAlY bond coat materials; Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42 (2011) 2233-2241

Prokop, J.; Eberl, C.; Funk, M.; Prüfe, P.; Lorenz, J.; Piotter, V.; Welz, M.; Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, H.-J.; Mechanical testing of micro samples produced by a novel LIGA related process chain; Microsystem Technologies 17/2 (2011) 281–288

Sebastiani, M.; Bemporad, E.; Eberl, C.; Pharr, G. M.; Depth-resolved residual stress analysis of thin coatings by a new FIB-DIC method; Materials Science and Engineering: A 528/27 (2011) 7901-7908

Senger, J.; Weygand, D.; Motz, C.; Gumbsch, P.; Kraft, O.; Aspect ratio and stochastic effects in the plasticity of uniformly loaded micrometer-sized specimens; Acta Materialia 59/8 (2011) 2937-2947 Link

Eberl, C.; Gianola, D. S.; Hemker, K. J.; Mechanical characterization of coatings using microbeam bending and digital image correlation techniques; Experimental Mechanics 50/1 (2010) 85–97

Eberl, C.; Riesch-Oppermann, H.; Spolenak, R.; Kubat, F.; Ruile, W.; Courty, D.; Kraft, O.; In situ observations and quantitative analysis of short circuit probability due to ultra high frequency fatigue; IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability  10/3 (2010) 366 - 373

Eberl, C.; Saif, T.; In situ mechanical testing of biological and/or inorganic materials at the microscale and -/nanoscale; MRS Bullettin 35/5 (2010) 347-350

Balk, T. J.; Eberl, C.; Sun, Y.; Hemker, K. J.; Gianola, D. S.; Tensile and compressive microspecimen testing of bulk nanoporous gold; JOM 61/2 (2009) 26-31

Gianola, D. S.; Eberl, C.; Micro- and nanoscale tensile testing of materials; JOM 61/3 (2009) 24-35

Joshi, S. P.; Eberl, C.; Cao, B. Y.; Ramesh, K. T.; Hemker, K. J.; On the occurrence of Portevin – Le Châtelier instabilities in ultrafine-grained 5083 aluminum alloys; Experimental Mechanics 49/2 (2009) 207-218

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Gianola, D. S.; Eberl, C.; Cheng, X. M.; Hemker, K. J.; Stress-driven surface topography evolution in nanocrystalline Al thin films; Advanced Materials 20/2 (2008) 303–308

Hemker, K. J.; Mendis, B. G.; Eberl, C.; Characterizing the microstructure and mechanical behavior of two-phase NiCoCrAlY bond coat for thermal barrier systems; Materials Science and Engineering: A 483-484 (2008) 727-730

Lewis, A. C.; Eberl, C.; Hemker, K. J.; Weihs, T. P.; Grain boundary strengthening in copper/niobium multilayered foils as a function of temperature and strain rate; JMR Journal of Materials Research 23/2 (2008) 376-382

Lewis, A. C.; van Heerden, D.; Eberl, C.; Hemker, K. J.; Weihs, T. P.; Deformation mechanisms in fine-grained niobium; Acta Materialia 56/13 (2008) 3044-3052

Lohmiller, J.; Eberl, C.; Kraft, O.; Balk, T. J.; Mechanical spectroscopy of nanocrystalline nickel near room temperature; Scripta Materialia 59/4 (2008) 467-470

Eberl, C.; Spolenak, R.; Kraft, O.; Ruile, W.; Arzt, E.; Fatigue damage in thin film Al interconnects at ultra high frequency: A Finite Element Analysis approach; Thin Solid Films 515/6 (2007) 3291-3297

Sharpe Jr., W. N.; Pulskamp, J.; Gianola, D. G.; Eberl, C.; Polcawich, R. G.; Thompson, R. J.; Strain measurement of silicon dioxide microspecimens by digital image processing; Experimental Mechanics 47/5 (2007) 649–658

Eberl, C.; Spolenak, R.; Arzt, E.; Kubat, F.; Leidl, A.; Ruile, W.; Kraft, O.; Ultra high-cycle fatigue in pure Al thin films and line structures; Materials Science and Engineering: A 421/1-2 (2006) 68-76

Eberl, C.; Spolenak, R.; Kraft, O.; Kubat, F.; Ruile, W.; Arzt, E.; Fatigue at ultra high frequencies in Al thin films; Journal of Applied Physics 99/11 (2006)

Kubat, F.; Ruile, W.; Eberl, C.; Hesjedal, T.; Reindl, L. M.; Qualitative and quantitative analysis of acoustomigration effects in SAW-devices; Microelectronic Engineering 82/1-4 (2005) 655-659

Orso, S.; Wegst, U. G. K.; Eberl, C.; Arzt, E.; Micrometer scale tensile testing of biological attachment devices; Advanced Materials 18/7 (2005) 874–877

Spolenak, R.; Sauter, L.; Eberl, C.; Reversible orientation – biased grain growth in thin metal films induced by a focused ion beam; Scripta Materialia 53/11 (2005) 1291-1296

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