Publications: Forming Processes




Wessel, A.; Perdahcioglu, E. S.; van den Boogaard, A. H.; Butz, A.; Volk, W., Incorporating precipitation-related effects on plastic anisotropy of age-hardenable aluminium alloys into crystal plasticity constitutive models, Materials Science and Engineering: A 924 (2025) Art. 147714, 17 pp. Link

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Dornheim, J.; Morand, L.; Janarthanam, H. N.; Helm, D., Neural networks for constitutive modeling: from universal function approximators to advanced modeling and the integration of physics, Archives of Comptational Methods in Engineering 31/2 (2024) 1097-1127 Link

Morand, L.; Iraki, T.; Dornheim, J.; Sandfeld, S.; Link, N.; Helm, D., Machine learning for structure-guided materials and process design, Materials & Design 248 (2024) Art. 113453, 11 pp. Link

Morand, L.; Norouzi, E.; Weber, M.; Butz, A.; Helm, D., Data-driven accelerated parameter identification for Chaboche-type visco-plastic material models to describe the relaxation behavior of copper alloys, Experimental Mechanics, Online First (2024) 12 pp. Link

Nahshon, Y.; Morand, L.; Büschelberger, M.; Helm, D.; Kumaraswamy, K.; Zierep, P.; Weber, M.; de Andres, P., Semantic orchestration and exploitation of material data: A dataspace solution demonstrated on steel and copper applications, Advanced Engineering Materials (2024) Art. 2401448, 21 pp. Link

Shoghi, R.; Morand, L.; Helm, D.; Hartmaier, A., Optimizing machine learning yield functions using query-by-committee for support vector classification with a dynamic stopping criterion, Computational Mechanics,  Online First (2024) 20 pp. Link

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Blug, A.; Thiemann, K.; Philipp, S.; Straub, T.; Butz, A., Quantum magnetometry with OPM: Novel applications in non-destructive testing?, in Proc. of 26th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium and 24th International Workshop on ADC and DAC Modelling and Testing, IWADC 2023; Popovic Renella, D.; Dvatos, J.; Sovilji, P. (Eds.); International Measurement Confederation IMEKO, Budapest, Hungary (2023) 122-125 Link

Dietemann, B.; Najuch, T.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S.; Wessel, A.;  Butz, A.; Bierwisch, C., Simulation of the laser powder bed fusion process with a holistic workflow, Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference DDMC 2023; Müller, B. (Hrsg.); Fraunhofer Verlag, Stuttgart (2023) 6 pp. Link

Iraki, T.; Morand, L.; Dornheim, J.; Link, N.; Helm, D., A multi-task learning-based optimization approach for finding diverse sets of microstructures with desired properties, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Online First (2023) 17 pp. Link

Kertsch, L., Simulation-based microstructure prediction, Wire 4 (2023) 12-13 Link

Nasrabadi, H.B.;  Hanke, T.; Weber, M.; Eisenbart, M.; Bauer, F.; Meissner, R.; Dziwis, G.; Tikana, L.; Chen, Y.; Skrotzki, B., Toward a digital materials mechanical testing lab, Computers in Industry 153 (2023) Art. 104016, 15 pp. Link

Schilling, M.; Willmann, T.; Wessel, A.; Butz, A.; Bischoff, M., Higher-order 3D-shell elements and anisotropic 3D yield functions for improved sheet metal forming simulations: Part I, in Proc. of  14th European LS-DYNA Conference 2023; DYNAmore GmbH, Stuttgart (2023) 10 pp. Link

Wessel, A.; Schilling, M.; Willmann, T.; Butz, A.; Bischoff, M., Higher-order 3D-shell elements and anisotropic 3D yield functions for improved sheet metal forming simulations: Part II, in Proc. of 14th European LS-DYNA Conference 2023; DYNAmore GmbH, Stuttgart (2023) 10 Seiten Link

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Bierwisch, C.; Butz, A.; Dietemann, B.; Wessel, A.; Najuch, T.; Mohseni-Mofidi, S., PBF-LB/M multiphysics process simulation from powder to mechanical properties, Procedia CIRP 111 (2022) 37-40 Link

Kertsch, L.; Helm, D.; Zapara, M., Prediction of microstructure evolution in hot forging and heat treatment using a mean-field material model, in Proc. of Forming Technology Network of Bulk Metal Forming - ForTech Bulk 2022; Liewald, M. (Hrsg.); University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart (2022) 69-74 Link

Morand, L.; Link, N.; Iraki, T.; Dornheim, J.; Helm, D., Efficient exploration of microstructure-property spaces via active learning, Frontiers in Materials, Computational Materials Science 8 (2022) Art. 824441, 12 pp. Link

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Dornheim, J.; Morand, L.; Zeitvogel, S.; Iraki,T.; Link, N.; Helm, D., Deep reinforcement learning methods for structure-guided processing path optimization, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 33 (2022) 333-352 Link

Heese, R.; Morand, L.; Helm, D.; Bortz, M., CupNet – pruning a network for geometric data, Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2021, Proc. Part IV; Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS Vol. 12894; Farkaš, I.; Masulli, P.; Otte, S.; Wermter, S. (Eds.); Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cahm, Switzerland (2021) 29-33 Link

Trân, R.; Kertsch, L.; Marx, S.; Hebbar, S.; Psyk, V.; Butz, A., Toward an efficient industrial implementation of W-temper forming for 7xxx series Al alloys, Forming The Future; The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series (MMMS); Daehn, G.; Cao, J.; Kinsey, B.; Tekkaya, E.; Vivek, A.; Yoshida, Y. (Eds.); Springer, Cham, Schweiz (2021) 935-947 Link

Uppaluri, R.; Helm, D., A convex fourth order yield function for orthotropic metal plasticity, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 87 (2021) Art. 104196; 17 pp. Link

von Kurnatowski, M.; Schmid, J.; Link, P.; Zache, R.; Morand, L.; Kraft, T.; Schmidt, I.; Schwientek, J.; Stoll, A., Compensating data shortages in manufacturing with monotonicity knowledge, Algorithms 14/12 (2021) Art. 345, 18 pp. Link

Wessel, A.; Morand, L.; Butz, A.; Helm, D.; Volk, W., A new machine learning based method for sampling virtual experiments and its effect on the parameter identification for anisotropic yield models, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 1157, 40th International Deep-Drawing Research Group Conference IDDRG 2021; Liewald, M.; Karadogan, C. (Eds.); IOP Publishing Ltd, Bristol, UK (2021) Art. 012026, 9 pp. Link

Willmann, T.; Wessel, A.; Beier, T.; Butz, A.; Bischoff, M.; Cross-sectional warping in sheet metal forming simulations, in Proc. of 13th European LS-DYNA Conference 2021; DYNAmore GmbH, Stuttgart (2021) Art. 087, 8 pp. Link

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Darabi, A. C.; Guski, V.; Butz, A.; Kadkhodapour, J.; Schmauder, S., A comparative study on mechanical behavior and damage scenario of DP600 and DP980 steels, Mechanics of Materials 143 (2020) 103339 1-1 Link

Hebbar, S.; Kertsch, L.; Butz, A., Optimizing heat treatment parameters for the W-temper forming of 7xxx series aluminum alloys, Metals 10/10 (2020) Art. 1361, 15 pp. Link

Miehe, R.; Bauernhansl, T.; Beckett, M.; Brecher, C.; Demmer, A., Drossel, W.-G.; Elfert, P., Full, J.; Hellmich, A.; Hinxlage, J.; Horbelt, J.; Jutz, G.; Krieg, S.; Maufroy, C.; Noack, M.; Sauer, A.; Schließmann, U.; Scholz, P.; Schwarz, O.; Ten Hompel, M., The biological transformation of industrial manufacturing – Technologies, status and scenarios for a sustainable future of the German manufacturing industry, Journal of Manufacturing Systems 54 (2020) 50-61 Link

Wessel, A.; Butz, A.; Willmann, T.; Bischoff, M., Effect of different anisotropic 3D yield functions on a roller hemming simulation, Procedia Manufacturing 47 (2020) 1358-1365 Link

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Butz, A.; Wessel, A.; Pagenkopf, J.; Helm, D., Parameter identification of 3D yield functions based on a virtual material testing procedure, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 651/1, 38th International Deep Drawing Research Group Annual Conference IDDRG 2019; van den Boogaard, T.; Langerak, N. (Eds.); IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, UK (2019) 012078 1-8 Link

Diehl, M.; Kertsch, L.; Traka, K.; Helm, D.; Raabe, D., Site-specific quasi in situ investigation of primary static recrystallization in a low carbon steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A 755 (2019) 295-306 Link

Guk, S.; Augenstein, E.; Zapara, M.; Kawalla, R.; Prahl, U., Effect of spheroidization annealing on pearlite banding, Materials Science Forum 949 (2019) 40-47 Link

Guk, S.; Augenstein, E.; Zapara, M.; Kawalla, R.; Prahl, U., Impact of the spheroidization annealing on the intensification or mitigation of the initial pearlite banding degree presented in wire rolled state, HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials 74/3 (2019) 202-211 Link

Heese, R.; Walczak, M.; Morand L.; Helm D.; Bortz, M., The good, the bad and the ugly: Augmenting a black-box model with expert knowledge, Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2019: Workshop and Special Sessions, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 11731; Tetko, I.V.; Kůrková, V.; Karpov, P.; Theis, F. (Eds.); Springer Nature, Cham (2019) 391-395 Link

Morand, L.; Helm, D.; Iza-Teran, R.; Garcke, J., A knowledge-based surrogate modeling approach for cup drawing with limited data, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 651/1; 38th International Deep Drawing Research Group Annual Conference IDDRG 2019; van den Boogaard, T.; Langerak, N. (Eds.); IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, UK (2019) 012047 1-8 Link

Morand, L.; Helm, D., A mixture of experts approach to handle ambiguities in parameter identification problems in material modeling, Computational Materials Science 167 (2019) 85-91 Link

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Kertsch, L.; Helm, D., A thermodynamically consistent model for elastoplasticity, recovery, recrystallization and grain coarsening, International Journal of Solids and Structures 152-153 (2018) 185-195 Link

Rockenhäuser, C.; Augenstein, E.; Skrotzki, B., Long term ageing of alloy 2618A, in Proc. of 16th International Aluminum Alloys Conference (ICAA16) 2018; Wells, M.; Brochu, M. (Eds.); Metallurgy and Materials Society of CIM, Montreal, Canada (2018) Paper 400101, 10 pp. Link

Weber, M.; Helm, D., Prediction of the behaviour of copper alloy components under complex loadings by electro-thermomechanical coupled simulations, Materials Science and Technology  (2018) 9 pp. Link

Kertsch, L.; Helm, D., Thermodynamically consistent modelling of recrystallization and grain coarsening in precipitation‐hardened alloys, PAMM 17/1 Special Issue: 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM); Könke, C.; Trunk, C. (Eds.);  WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (2017) 425-426 Link

Morand, L.; Pagenkopf, J.; Helm, D., Material-based process-chain optimization in metal forming, PAMM 17/1 Special Issue: 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM); Könke, C.;Trunk, C. (Eds.); Wiley-VCH Verlag & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (2017) 709-710 Link

Schuster, S.; Pagenkopf, J.; Gibmeier, J.; Local residual stress analysis on deep drawn cups by means of the incremental hole-drilling method; International Conference on Residual Stresses 2016 ICRS-10, Materials Research Proceedings 2; Holden, T.M.; Muransky, O.; Edwards, L. (Eds.); Material Research Forum LLC, Millersville, USA (2017) 187-192; 251 Link

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Butz, A.; Baiker, M.; Pagenkopf, J.; Helm, D.; Virtual material testing of sheet metals; in Proc. of 9th Forming Technology Forum 2016; Volk, W. (Hrsg.); Technische Universität München, Garching (2016) 13-16

Butz, A.; Pagenkopf, J.; Baiker, M.; Helm, D.; The concept of virtual material testing and its application to sheet metal forming simulations; Journal of Physics: Conference Series 734/PartB (2016) 032107 1-5 Link

Kertsch, L.; Helm, D.; Modelling grain growth in the framework of rational extended thermodynamics; Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering MSMSE 24/4(2016) 45001-45017 Link

Kertsch, L.; Helm, D.; Modelling grain coarsening in the framework of rational extended thermodynamics; PAMM 16/1; Special Issue: Joint 87th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics GAMM 2016 and Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung 2016 Fassbender, H. (Eds.); Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (2016) 453–454 Link

Pagenkopf, J.; Butz, A.; Wenk, M.; Helm, D.; Virtual testing of dual-phase steels: Effect of martensite morphology on plastic flow behavior; Materials Science and Engineering: A 674 (2016) 672-686 Link

Strobl, M.; Morand, L.; Seelig, T.; Simulation of Hertzian cone cracks using a phase field description for fracture; PAMM 16/1; Special Issue: Joint 87th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics GAMM and Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung 2016; Bach, V.; Fassbender, H. (Hrsg.); Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (2016) 177-178 Link

Uppaluri, R.; Helm, D.; Thermomechanical characterization of 22MnB5 steels with special emphasis on stress relaxation and creep behavior; Materials Science and Engineering: A 658 (2016) 301-308 Link

Zapara, M.; Augenstein, E.; Helm, D.; A mechanism-based model for prediction of damage and failure in cold forging processes; in Proc. of 49th Plenary Meeting of International Cold Forging Group ICFG 2016; Liewald, M. (Ed.); MBA, Stuttgart (2016) 99-102 Link

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Butz, A.; Zapara, M.; Helm, D.; Haufe, A.; Erhard, A.; Schneider, M.; Kampczyk, M.; Stenberg, N.; Hagstrom, J.; Croizet, D.; Biasutti, M.; On the constitutive modelling of twip steels and its application to sheet metal forming simulations; Advanced constitutive models in sheet metal forming, Proc. of 8th Forming Technology Forum Zurich 2015 ; Hora, P. (Ed.); ETH Zürich, Institute of Virtual Manufacturing, Zürich, Schweiz (2015) 35-40 Link

Erhart, A.; Haufe, A.; Butz, A.; Zapara, M.; Helm, D.; Implementation of a constitutive model for the mechanical behavior of TWIP steels and validation simulations; Key Engineering Materials 651-653 (2015) 539-544 Link

Haarman, C.J.W.; Hekman, E.E.G.; Augenstein, E.; Helm, D.; Sketchley, P.; Koopman, H.F.J.M.; Design of a crevice-free bi-metallic intramedullary reamer; in Proc. of Design of Medical Devices Conference DCM Europe 2014; Delft University of Technology, Delft, Niederlande (2015) 2 pp. Link

Haufe, A.; Erhart, A.; Butz, A.; A constitutive model for the simulation of the deformation behavior of TWIP steels; Key Engineering Materials 639 (2015) 411-418 Link

Vondrous, A.; Bienger, P.; Schreijag, S.; Selzer, M.; Schneider, D.; Nestler, B.; Helm, D.; Mönig, R.; Combined crystal plasticity and phase-field method for recrystallization in a process chain of sheet metal production; Computational Mechanics 55/2 (2015) 439-452 Link

Zheng, L.; Zhang, S.-H.; Helm, D.; Song, H.-W.; Song, G.-S.; Ye, N.-Y.; Twinning and detwinning during compression-tension loading measured by quasi in situ electron backscatter diffraction tracing in Mg-3Al-Zn rolled sheet; Rare Metals 34/10 (2015) 698-705 Link

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Baiker, M.; Helm, D.; Butz, A.; Determination of mechanical properties of polycrystals by using crystal plasticity and numerical homogenization schemes; Steel Research International 85/6 (2014) 988–998 Link

Butz, A.; Zapara, M.; Erhart, A.; Croizet, D.; Stenberg,N.; Hagstrom, J.; Helm, D.; Schneider, M.; Kampczyk, M.; Haufe, A.; Biasutti, M.; Deformation behavoir of TWIP-steels: From experiments to constitutive modelling and simulations; in Proc. of International Deep Drawing Research Group IDDRG 2014 - Innovations for the Sheet Metal Industry; Sfar, H. (Ed.) CETIM, Senlis, France (2014) 38-48

Fromm, A.; Trondl, A.; Strecker, H.; Krappitz, M.; Thissen, D.; Kübler R.; Aging-effects of polymeric encapsulation on the mechanical characteristics of solar panels and embedded components; in Proc. of 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition EU PVSEC 2014; Bokhoven, T.P.; Jäger-Waldau, A.; Helm. P. (Eds.); WIP Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs KG, München (2014) 3121-3125 Link

He, W.J.; Zhang, S.H.; Prakash, A.; Helm, D.; A hierarchical multi-scale model for hexagonal materials taking into account texture evolution during forming simulation; Computational Materials Science 82 (2014) 464-475 Link

Pagenkopf, J.; Baiker, M.; Helm, D.; On physics-based crystal plasticity models: Application to process chain simulation of steel metals; PAMM 14/1 Special Issue: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics GAMM 2014 ; Steinmann, P.; Leugering, G. (Hrsg.); Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (2014) 333–334 Link

Zapara, M.; Augenstein, E.; Helm, D.; Prediction of damage in cold bulk forming processes; PAMM 14/1, Special Issue: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics GAMM 2014,; Steinmann, P.; Leugering, G. (Hrsg.); Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (2014) 1037 – 1040 Link

Zapara, M.; Erhart, A.; Croizet, D.; Butz, A.; Haufe, A.; Helm, D.; Stenberg, N.; Hagstrom, J.; Schneider, M.; Biasutti, M.; Macroscopic modelling and simulations of material behaviour of modern twinning-induced plasticity steels; SCT 2014. Future Trends in steel development, processing Technologies and applications. 4th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks ; Wieland, H.-J.; Brockmann , S. (Hrsg.) Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendung e.V. (Hrsg.) Stahleisen GmbH, Düsseldorf (2014) 689-696 Link

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Helm, D.; Baiker, M.; Bienger, P.; Experimental investigations and multiscale modeling of the microstructure evolution and the mechanical properties of a ferritic steel grade during the production process; AIP Conference Proceedings 1532/1 (2013) 197-205 Link

Tritschler, M.; Butz, A.; Helm, D.; Falkinger, G.; Kiese, J.; Experimental analysis and modeling of the anisotropic response of titanium alloy Ti-X for quasi-static loading at room temperature; International Journal of Material Forming 17/3 (2013) 259-273 Link

Zapara, M.; Tutyshkin, N.; Müller, W.H.; Growth and closure of voids in metal at negative stress triaxialities; Key Engineering Materials 554-557 (2013) 1125-1132 Link

Schwaiger, R.; Weber, M.; Moser, B.; Gumbsch, P.; Kraft, O.; Mechanical assessment of ultrafine-grained nickel by microcompression experiment and finite element simulation; Journal of Materials Research 27/1 (2012) 266-277 Link

Helm, D.; Butz, A.; Raabe, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Microstructure-based description of the deformation of metals: theory and application; in Proc. of 1st World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering ICME 2011; Collins, P.; Allison, J.E.; Spanos, G. (Eds.); John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA (2011) 89-98 Link

Helm, D.; Butz, A.; Raabe, D.; Gumbsch, P.; Microstructure-based description of the deformation of metals: theory and application; JOM – Journal of the The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) 63/4 (2011) 26-33 Link

Kadkhodapour, J.; Butz, A.; Rad, S.Z.; Mechanisms of void formation during tensile testing in a commercial, dual-phase steel; Acta Materialia 59/7 (2011) 2575-2588 Link

Kadkhodapour, J.; Butz, A.; Ziaei-Rad, S.; Schmauder, S.; A micro mechanical study on failure initiation of dual phase steels under tension using single crystal plasticity model; International Journal of Plasticity 27/7 (2011) 1103-1125 Link

Sandfeld, S.; Hochrainer, Z.; Zaiser, M.; Gumbsch, P.; Continuum modeling of dislocation plasticity: Theory, numerical implementation, and validation by discrete dislocation simulations; Journal of Material Research 26/5 (2011) 623-632 Link

Ulrich, C. M.; Hashibon, A.; Svoboda, J.; Elsässer, C.; Helm, D.; Riedel, H.; Diffusion kinetics in aluminium–gold bond contacts from first-principles density functional calculations; Acta Materialia 59/20 (2011) 7634-7644 Link

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Butz, A.; Lossau, S.; Springub, B.; Roters, F.; On the modeling of dual phase steels: Microstructure-based simulation from the hot rolled sheet to the deep drawn component; International Journal of Material Forming 3/1 (2010) 73-76 Link

Helm, D.; Helm, D.; Thermomechanical representation of the stored energy during plastic deformation; International Journal of Materials Research 101/8 (2010) 972-980 Link

Sandfeld, S.; Hochrainer, T.; Gumbsch, P.; Zaiser, M.; Numerical implementation of a 3D continuum theory of dislocation dynamics and application to micro-bending; Philosophical Magazine 90/27-28 (2010) 3697-3728 Link

Eisenlohr, P.; Tjahjanto, D.D.; Hochrainer, T.; Roters, F.; Raabe, D.; Comparison of texture evolution in fcc metals predicted by various grain cluster homogenization schemes; International Journal of Materials Research 100/4 (2009) 500-509 Link

Prakash, A.; Lebensohn, R. A.; Simulation of micromechanical behavior of polycrystals: Finite elements versus fast Fourier transforms; Materials Science and Engineering 17/6 (2009) 064010 1-16 Link

Prakash, A.; Riedel, H.; Modeling the evolution of texture and grain shape in Mg alloy AZ31 using the crystal plasticity finite element method; Computational Materials Science 45/3 (2009) 744-750 Link

Butz, A.; Klinkel, S.; Wagner, W.; A geometrically and materially non-linear piezoelectric three-dimensional-beam finite element formulation including warping effects; International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 76/5 (2008) 601-635 Link

Prakash, A.; Hochrainer, T.; Reisacher, E.; Riedel, H.; Twinning models in self-consistent texture simulations of TWIP steels; Steel Research International 79/8 (2008) 645-652 Link

Riedel, H.; Andrieux, F.; Walde, T.; Karhausen, K.-F.; The formation of edge cracks during rolling of metal sheet; Steel Research International 78/10-11 (2007) 818-824 Link

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